20 Categories That Define What Makes News


When it comes to journalism, the importance of news depends on where it originated. This proximity is a function of geographic proximity and readers’ interest. For example, if Imran Khan is getting married, news about the marriage will be more interesting for readers in the U.K. than in Pakistan. The news value of an event increases the larger the personality involved. Film stars, athletes, and politicians are among the most popular figures for news articles. So, stories about them are worth reading.

20 categories of what makes news

News stories come in all shapes and sizes and cover all types of topics. News stories about tragedies and bloodshed tend to make the headlines. Conflict is an interesting subject and arouses curiosity. Stories about banal issues can also be interesting. A journalist may choose a story that reflects a particular social issue or is unusually significant. Whatever the subject matter, news is bound to be entertaining. The following are 20 categories that determine what makes news.

Judgment guidelines

For journalists, judgment guidelines are crucial. Facts must be presented fairly and truthfully, so readers can make an informed decision. Judgment guidelines apply to all components of editorial content, from copy to photographs. While the goal is to be as truthful as possible, this requires judgment on the part of the reporter, writer, and photographer. Occasionally, news organizations are ordered to turn over notes, drafts, and internal memos.

Focus of story

The focus of a news story is the central point that guides the reader through the story. A story can’t be everything to everyone. Instead, it must be a whole package that is focused on one central theme. A story should never attempt to touch on all possible topics. In this way, the writer won’t end up writing about the mundane, but rather the important stuff. He or she makes conscious choices about what to include and what to exclude from the story.


The concept of exclusivity in news has been replaced by a more open and accessible way of reporting world events. Newspapers no longer provide exclusive world events; instead, readers depend on them for context, elaboration, and analysis. The media industry, which has long lacked the creativity to innovate in terms of formats and on-air treatment, is looking for ways to make their content more accessible to consumers. Despite this, the news industry has failed to meet these demands.


With the advent of social media, news is increasingly shared, resulting in false information. This is why the Shareability of News Report measures the shareability of news on social media. Shareability of news is measured by a system called headline recommendation, which scores articles based on their shareability scores on Facebook and Twitter. An alert can be set up to show the editor of record if an article is more shared than expected. However, this threshold should be low enough to prevent most articles from triggering the alert.


Many people question the idea of objectivity in the news and criticism of journalism. Some argue that news coverage is biased and that journalists use selective reporting to promote a specific agenda. Others argue that the truthfulness of news depends on the journalist’s judgment. Regardless of the perspective, the debate over objectivity in news continues to divide journalists and the public. Here are some arguments against objectivity and its impact on journalism. Let’s explore each of these arguments in more detail.